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Call Number530.12/Nic
Title ProperBeyond the quantum
AuthorNieuwenhuizn, Theo M. ;  Spicka, Vaclav ;  Mehmani, Bahar ;  Aghdami, Maryam J. ;  Khrennikov, Andrei Yu.
PublicationNew Jersey,  World Scientific,  2007.
Descriptionxii+386p   Hb
ContentsPART A: INTRODUCTIONS ;/ G. 't Hooft : The Mathematical basis for deterministic quantum mechanics ;/ A. Ashtekar: What did we learn from Quantum gravity? ;/ F. Laloe: Bose-Einstein condensates and EPR Quantum non-locality ;/ A.E. Allahverdyan, R. ; Balian and Th. M Nieuwenhuizen: The Quantum measurement process: lessons from an exactly solvable model ;/ PART B : QUANTUM MECHANICS AND QUANTUM INFORMATION ;/ W.M. de Muynck: POVMs: A small but important step beyond standard quantum mechanics ;/ G. Nienhuis: State reduction by measurement with a null result ;/ M. Kim, A. Svidzinsky and M.O. Scully: Solving open questions in the Bost-Einstein Condensation of an Ideal Gas via a Hybrid Mixture of Laser and Statistical Physics ;/ G. Puentes, A. Aiello and J. P. Woerdman: Twin-Photon light scattering and causality ;/ G. Aquino and B. Mehmani: Simultaneous measurement of Non-Commuting observables ;/ M.T. Jaekel, B. Lamine, A. Lambrecht, S. Reymoud and P. Maia Neto ;/ Th. M. Nieuwenhuizen and I.V. Volovich: Role of various entropies in the black hole information loss problem ;/ G.S. Jaeger: Quntum and Super-Quantum correlations ;/ PART C : LONG DISTANCE CORRELATIONS AND BELL INEQUALITIES ;/ L. Marchildon: Understanding Long-Distance Quantum Correlations ;/ H. Hess and W. Philipp: Connections of Probability models to EPR experiments: Probability spaces and Bells theorem ;/ G. Adenier and A.Yu. Khrennikov: Fair sampling vs No-Signalling principle in EPR experiments ;/ PART D : MATHEMATICAL FOUNDATIONS ;/ G. M. D'Ariano: Where the mathematical structure of Quantum mechanics comes from ;/ B. J. Hiley: Phase space description of Quantum Mechanics and non-Commutative Geometry: Wigner-Moyal and Bohm in a Wider Context ;/ A. Yu. Khrennikov: Quantum mechanics as Simple Algorithm for approximation of classical integrals ;/ J. Lages, A. Berard, H. Mohrbach, Y. Grandati and P. Gosselin: Noncommutative Quantum Mechanics viewed from Feynman formalism ;/ J. F. S. van Hucle and M. K. Transtrum: Beyond the Quantum in Snyder space ;/ PART E : STOCHASTIC ELECTRODYNAMICS ;/ V. Spicka, J.J. Mores, P. Hubik and J. Kristofik: Some quantum experiments from the point of view of stochastic electrodynamics ;/ L. De La Pena and A. M. Cetto: On the ergodic behaviour of atomic systems under the action of the zero-point radition field ;/ A. Rueda and H. Sunahata: Inertia and the vacuum-view on the emergence of the inertia reaction force ;/ PART F : MODELS FOR THE ELECTRON ;/ U. Enz: Rotating Hopf-Kinks: Oscillators in the sense of de Broglie ;/ H. I. Arcos and J. G. Pereira: Kerr-Newman Particles: Symmentries and Other Properties ;/ A. Burinskii: Kerr Geometry beyond the quantum theory ;/ Th. M. Nieuwenhuizen: The electron and the Neutrino as solitons in Classical Electromagnetism ;/ PART G : PHILOSOPHICAL CONSIDERATION ;/ D. Dieks: Probability in Non-collapse interpretations of Quantum Mechanics ;/ G. P. Beretta: The Schrodinger-Park Paradox about the concept of "State" in Quantum statistical mechanics and quantum information theory is still open: One more reason to go beyond? ;/ E. Santos: The conjecture that local realism is possible ;/ PART H : ROUND TABLE ;/ A. M. Cretto, R. Balian, G. 't Hooft, A. Yu. Khrennikov and Th. M. Nieuwenhuizen.
Standard Number978-981-277-117-9
Classification Number530.12

Accession#Call#Current LocationStatus LocationPatron
075102530.12/NicSXCLIBOn ShelfHRHonours Room