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Call Number111.85/KEL/056860
Title ProperEncyclopedia of Aesthetics
Other Title InformationVols.1-4
AuthorBERKELEY, GEORGE 1685-1753 ;  KANT, IMMANUEL 1724-1804 ;  FREUD, SIGMUND 1856-1939 ;  SANTAYANA, GEORGE 1863-1952 ;  HEGEL, GEORG WILHELM FRIEDRICH 1770-1831 ;  NIETZSCHE, FRIEDRICH 1844-1900 ;  DEWEY, JOHN 1859-1952 ;  COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR 1772-1834 ;  DRYDEN, JOHN 1631-1700 ;  PICASSO, PABLO RUIZ 1881-1973 ;  BRECHT, BERTOLT 1898-1956 ;  GOETHE, JOHANN WOLFGANG VON 1749-1832 ;  RUSKIN, JOHN 1819-1900 ;  BERGSON, HENRI 1859-1941 ;  COOPER, ANTHONY ASHLEY 1671-1713 ;  HUTCHESON, FRANCIS 1694-1746 ;  Kelly, Michael ;  ADDISON, JOSEPH 1672-1719 ;  BOILEAU- DESPREAUX, NICOLAS 1636-1711 ;  PEIRCE, CHARLES SANDERS 1839-1914 ;  DILTHEY, WILHELM 1833-1911 ;  CROCE, BENEDETTO 1866-1952 ;  Plato 428 B.C.- 347 B.C. ;  Plotinus 204-270 A.D. ;  Gramsci, Antonio 1891-1937 ;  Deleuze, Gilles 1925-1995 ;  Kristeva, Julia 1941- ;  Foucault, Michel 1926-1984 ;  Jameson, Fredric 1934- ;  DERRIDA, JACQUES 1930-2004 ;  MARCUSE, HERBERT 1898-1979 ;  HUSSERL, EDMUND GUSTAV ALBRECHT 1859-1938 ;  BAUDRILLARD, JEAN 1929-2007 ;  HEIDEGGER, MARTIN 1889-1976 ;  EISENSTEIN, SERGEI MIKHAILOVICH 1898-1948 ;  HABERMAS, JURGEN 1929- ;  PRIESTLEY, JOSEPH 1733-1804 ;  AQUINAS, THOMAS 1225-1274 ;  HUME, DAVID 1711-1776 ;  SCHOPENHAUER, ARTHUR 1788-1860 ;  EMERSON, RALPH WALDO 1803-1882 ;  ARNOLD, MATTHEW 1822-1888 ;  BURKE, EDMUND 1729-1797 ;  Adorno, Theodor W. 1903-1969 ;  ALBERTI, LEON BATISTA 1404-1472 ;  SARTRE, JEAN-PAUL 1905-1980 ;  MORRIS, WILLIAM 1834-1896 ;  ROUSSEAU, JEAN-JACQUES 1712-1778 ;  DIDEROT, DENIS 1713-1784 ;  BAUDELAIRE, CHARLES 1821-1867 ;  VON HELMHOLTZ, HERMANN LUDWIG F. 1821-1894 ;  PATER, WALTER HORATIO 1839-1894 ;  ST. AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO 354-430 ;  HERDER, JOHANN GOTTFRIED VON 1744-1803 ;  LYOTARD, JEAN-FRANCOIS 1924-1998 ;  Klein, Melanie 1882-1960 ;  MANNHEIM, KARL 1893-1947 ;  LE CORBUSIER 1887-1965 ;  Abhinavagupta 10th-11th Century ;  CONDILLAC, ETIENNE BONNOT DE 1714-1780 ;  Alembert, Jean Le Rond D' 1717-1783 ;  Alison, Archibald 1757-1839 ;  ARNHEIM, RUDOLF 1904- ;  AUERBACH, ERICH 1892-1957 ;  BACHELARD, GASTON 1884-1962 ;  Bakhtin, Mikhail Mikhailovich 1895-1975 ;  BATAILLE, GEORGES 1897-1962 ;  Baumgarten, Alexander Gottlieb 1714-1762 ;  BAZIN, ANDRE 1918-1958 ;  Beardsley, Monroe 1915-1985 ;  Bell, Arthur Clive Howard 1881-1964 ;  BENJAMIN, WALTER 1892-1940 ;  Brenson, Bernard 1865-1959 ;  Beuys, Joseph 1921-1986 ;  BLANCHOT, MAURICE 1907- ;  Botticher, Karl Gottlieb Wilhelm 1806-1889 ;  Boulez, Pierre 1925- ;  Bourgeois, Louise 1911- ;  Breton, Andre 1896-1966 ;  Bullough, Edward 1880-1934 ;  Cage, John 1912-1992 ;  Cassirer, Ernst 1874-1945 ;  CAVELL, STANLEY 1926- ;  Cochin, Charles-Nicolas 1715-1790 ;  Collingwood, Robin George 1889-1943 ;  Cousin, Victor 1792-1867 ;  Danto, Arthur Coleman 1924- ;  DELACROIX, FERDINAND-VICTOR-EUGENE ON ;  Dickie, George 1926- ;  Du Bos, Jean Baptiste 1670-1742 ;  Duchamp, Marcel 1887-1968 ;  Dufrenne, Mikel 1910- ;  Durand, Jean-Nicolas-Louis 1760-1834 ;  Eco, Umberto 1932- ;  Farabi, Muhammad Al- 10th Century ;  Gadamer, Hans-Georg 1900- ;  Gentile, Giovanni 1875-1944 ;  Gerard, Alexander 1728-1795 ;  Giedion, Siegfried 1880-1968 ;  GOMBRICH, ERNST HANS JOSEF 1909- ;  Goodman, Nelson 1906- ;  Gottsched, Johann Christoph 1700-1766 ;  Greenberg, Clement 1905-1994 ;  Gurney, Edmund 1847-1888 ;  Hamann, Johann Georg 1730-1788 ;  Hanslick, Eduard 1825-1904 ;  Herz, Marcus 1747-1803 ;  Heydenreich, Karl Heinrich 1764-1801 ;  Holderlin, Johann Christian Friedrich 1770-1843 ;  HOME, HENRY= LORD KAMES 1696-1782 ;  Hubsch, Heinrich 1795-1863 ;  Ibn Sina 980-1037 ;  Ibn Rushd 1126-1198 ;  Ingarden, Roman Witold 1893-1970 ;  IRIGARAY, LUCE 1932- ;  Judd, Donald 1928-1994 ;  Kahn, Louis Isadore 1901-1974 ;  Kandinsky, Wassily 1866-1944 ;  Kierkegaard, Soren Aabye 1813-1855 ;  Knight, Richard Payne 1751-1824 ;  Konig, Johann Ulrich von 1688-1744 ;  Lacan, Jacques Marie 1901-1981 ;  Langer, Susanne Knauth 1895-1985 ;  Lavater, Johann Caspar 1741-1801 ;  LESSING, GOTTHOLD EPHRAIM 1729-1781 ;  Locke, Alain Leroy 1886-1954 ;  LONGINUS 1st Century ;  Lotze, Rudolf Hermann 1817-1881 ;  Lukacs, Gyorgy 1885-1971 ;  MALLARME, STEPHANE 1842-1898 ;  Maritain, Jacques 1882-1973 ;  Mattheson, Johann 1681-1764 ;  Meier, Georg Friedrich 1718-1777 ;  Mendelssohn, Moses 1729-1786 ;  MERLEAU-PONTY, MAURICE 1908-1961 ;  MIES VAN DER ROHE, LUDWIG 1886-1969 ;  Mondrian, Piet 1872-1944 ;  Moritz, Karl Philipp 1756-1793 ;  von Hardenberg, Friedrich Freiherr NOVALIS 1772-1801 ;  PANOFSKY, ERWIN 1892-1968 ;  Pareyson, Luigi 1918-1991 ;  Piles, Roger de 1635-1709 ;  Poussin, Nicolas 1594-1665 ;  Price, Uvedale 1747-1829 ;  Raphael, Max 1889-1952 ;  REID, THOMAS 1710-1796 ;  Reinhardt, Ad 1913-1967 ;  Richards, Ivor Armstrong 1893-1979 ;  RICOEUR, PAUL 1913- ;  Riegl, Alois 1858-1905 ;  Schapiro, Meyer 1904-1996 ;  Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von 1775-1854 ;  SCHILLER, JOHANN CHRISTOPH FRIEDERICH VON 1759-1805 ;  SCHLEGEL, AUGUST WILHELM VON 1767-1845 ;  Schlegel, Karl Wilhelm Friedrich von 1772-1829 ;  Schleiermacher, Friedrich Daniel Ernst 1768-1834 ;  Schmarsow, August 1853-1936 ;  SCHOENBERG, ARNOLD FRANZ WALTER 1874-1951 ;  BOURDIEU, PIERRE 1930-2002 ;  ARISTOTLE 384B.C.-322 B.C.
PublicationNew York,  Oxford University Press,  1998.
Standard Number0-19-511307-1
Cardex. Copy Specific Data056857\~vol.1 xvii+521p
Cardex. Copy Specific Data056858\~vol.2 555p
Cardex. Copy Specific Data056859\~vol.3 536p
Cardex. Copy Specific Data056860\~vol.4 572p
Classification Number111.85
Key WordsImagination ;  Aristotle ;  Plato ;  Kant, Immanuel ;  Music ;  Romanticism ;  Modernism In Literature ;  Historicism ;  Censorship ;  Literature ;  Aestheticism ;  Popular Culture ;  Cinema ;  Arnold, Matthew: Criticism ;  Creativity ;  Opera ;  Perception ;  Emotions ;  Pleasure ;  Gardens ;  Architecture ;  Food ;  Feminism ;  Museum/ Museology ;  Cultural Studies ;  Poetics ;  Marxism ;  Painting ;  Drawing ;  Photography ;  Art: Theory, Interpretation ;  Fiction: History And Criticism ;  Dance ;  Humour, Jokes ;  Art: Psychology ;  American Literature** Harlem Renaissance ;  Catharsis ;  Classicism ;  Expressionism ;  Imagery ;  Irony ;  Modernism ;  Surrealism ;  Trademarks ;  Artist ;  Nature ;  Art= Dadaism ;  Artifacts ;  Iconography ;  Ideology ;  Semiotics ;  Orientalism ;  Art Criticism ;  Fashion ;  Folk Art ;  Design ;  Landscape ;  Art History ;  Ruskin, John: Criticism ;  Colour, In Art ;  Computer Art ;  Rock Music ;  Cubism ;  Futurism ;  Post-Structuralism ;  Derrida, Jacques: Criticism ;  Sartre, Jean-Paul: Philosophy Criticism ;  Play ;  Glass ;  Drama $ Comedy ;  Jazz Music ;  Romanticism in Literature ;  Artificial Intelligence= AI ;  Literature: Style/ Rhetoric ;  Postcolonialism ;  Phenomenology ;  Landscape Architecture ;  Picasso, Pablo: Criticism, Interpretation ;  Pop Art ;  Multimedia Systems ;  Formalism ;  Comics: Criticism and History ;  Post-Modernism/ Postmodernism ;  Nietzsche, Friedrich: Criticism ;  Abhinavagupta 10Th-11Th Century ;  Aesthetics: Dictionaries, Encyclopaedias ;  Abstract Expressionism ;  Abstraction ;  Adorno, Theodor: Criticism, Interpretation ;  African Aesthetics ;  Aesthetic Alienation ;  Anthropology and Aesthetics ;  Anti-Art ;  Appreciation ;  Appropriation ;  Arab Aesthetics ;  Architectural Aesthetics ;  Italian Renaissance Architecture ;  Art for Art's Sake ;  Art Market ;  Art World ;  Aesthetic Attitude ;  Pictorial Attitude ;  Authenticity ;  Autonomy ;  Avant-Garde ;  Baroque Aesthetics ;  Bauhaus ;  Beauty ;  Black Aesthetic ;  British Aesthetics ;  Byzantine Aesthetics ;  Camp ;  Canon ;  Caribbean Aesthetics ;  Caricature ;  Children's Art ;  Chinese Aesthetics ;  Collage ;  Comparative Aesthetics ;  Conceptual Art ;  Constructivism ;  Postmodern Art ;  20th Century Art ;  Craft ;  Cultural Criticism ;  Dance Criticism ;  Music Criticism ;  Cyberspace ;  Dadaism ;  Daoist Aesthetics ;  Death and Aesthetics ;  Dewey, John: Criticism, Interpretation ;  Diderot, Denis: Criticism, Interpretation ;  Aesthetics of Difficulty ;  Discourse ;  Disinterestedness ;  Ecphrasis ;  Aesthetic Education ;  Empirical Aesthetics ;  Environmental Aesthetics ;  Epistemology and Aesthetics ;  Essentialism ;  Aesthetic Evaluation ;  Cultural Evaluations ;  Expression Theory of Art ;  Fiction ;  Feminist Film Theory ;  Forgery ;  French Aesthetics ;  Gay Aesthetics ;  Gaze ;  Genius ;  Glass Art ;  Art Historians ;  Gothic Aesthetics ;  Grotesque ;  Haiku ;  Hellenistic Aesthetics ;  Hermeneutics ;  Hypertext ;  Icon ;  Iconoclasm ;  Iconophobia ;  Iconology ;  Impressionism ;  Improvisation ;  Indian Aesthetics ;  Ineffability ;  Art of the Insane ;  Installation Art ;  Institutional Theory of Art ;  Intention ;  Analytic Interpretation ;  Islamic Aesthetics ;  Japanese Aesthetics ;  Kitsch ;  Latin American Aesthetics ;  Law and Aesthetics ;  Law and Art ;  Cultural Property ;  Literary Aesthetics ;  Mathematics And Aesthetics ;  Medium ;  Metaphor ;  Metonymy ;  Mimesis ;  Minimalism ;  Artists' Models ;  Modernity in Architecture ;  Monuments ;  Morality and Aesthetics ;  Art: Moral Rights ;  Music and Feminism/ Feminist Musicology ;  Narrative ;  USA, National Endowment for the Arts ;  Nature and Artistic Creation ;  Nature, Aesthetics of ;  New Criticism ;  Musical Notation ;  Dance Notation ;  Obscenity ;  Obscenity in Art ;  Ontology of Art ;  Ontology of Music ;  Ontology of Dance ;  Originality in Literature ;  Originality in Visual Arts ;  Aesthetics, History ;  Outsider Art ;  Parody ;  Pastiche ;  Music Perception ;  Performance ;  Performance Arts ;  Perspective ;  Picturesque ;  Plato: Art ;  Plato: Poetry ;  Politics and Aesthetics ;  Politicized Art ;  Aestheticised Politics ;  AIDS and Aestheticism ;  Portraiture ;  Prague School ;  Pre-Columbian Aesthetics ;  Primitivism ;  Aesthetic Qualities ;  Bharata: Natyasastra: Rasa Theory of Aesthetics ;  Realism and Aesthetics ;  Pictorial Realism ;  Reception Aesthetics ;  Relativism ;  Religion And Art ;  Italian Renaissance Aesthetics ;  Representation ;  Roman Aesthetics ;  Romanticism in Music ;  Romanticism in Visual Arts ;  Russian Aesthetics ;  Russian Religious Aesthetics ;  Socialist Realism ;  Science And Aesthetics ;  Aesthetics of Sculpture ;  Cinema: Theory ;  Rousseau, Jean Jacques 1712-1770: Criticism and Interpretation ;  Digital Mass Media ;  Literary Movements # The Bloomsbury Group c.1905-1941 ;  Lesbian Aesthetics ;  Hegel, G.W.F./ George Wilhelm Friedrich ;  Freud, Sigmund 1856-1939: Criticism, Interpretation

Accession#Call#Current LocationStatus LocationPatron
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